Substance Use Disorder Treatment
At, Redwood Family Treatment Center (RFTC), we treat drug and alcohol addiction with a focus on women’s specific needs. This philosophy addresses and treats the mind, body and spirit with additional focus on socioeconomic, cultural, relational and trauma aspects for the women we serve. We believe that addiction is a complex but treatable disease and that no single addiction treatment is appropriate for everyone. We place significant emphasis on the therapeutic relationship between the client and the counselor in addition to developing a positive recovery environment and community. Our residential program will be a safe and supportive environment where women can begin healing. Our comprehensive recovery program includes in-house detoxification, residential treatment, individual and group counseling, case management, discharge planning, aftercare planning and access to community resources.
Outline of Activities and Services
RFTC’s detoxification services are provided over 3 to 5 days with each resident’s length of detoxification determined by a variety of factors, including the history and severity of addiction, the need for ongoing stabilization services and the resident’s primary care physicians medication orders. While in detoxification, clients may attend in-house 12-Step meetings, participate in early recovery groups and receive some individual counseling and initial discharge planning.
Residential treatment:
RFTC’s residential treatment will provide a safe, supportive environment where a person struggling with addiction can develop a solid foundation for recovery, including:
Assessment staff will obtain appropriate comprehensive information to determine each resident’s needs prior to entering the program. Assessments will be reviewed by team members to determine appropriate care. If the resident does not meet criteria for residential treatment, we will provide a referral to the appropriate place.
Bio-Psycho-Social Evaluation:
Within 72 hours of admission each resident will meet with a counselor to gather a thorough history. This includes review of each resident’s life history, family history, network of social support, strengths and weaknesses and goals for treatment.
Individual Therapy:
Residents will meet with their primary counselor for treatment planning, individual counseling and discharge planning weekly.
Case Management:
At RFTC we believe that effective case management places focus on both internal and external resource and is an integral component of the therapeutic relationship and recovery plan. Our goal is to assist each resident in establishing awareness of and effective utilization of their internal resources (such as, intelligence, competence and problem-solving abilities) while also accessing necessary external resources (such as, medical services, dental services and long-term housing services). A treatment professional utilizing case management will provide each resident a single point of contact for multiple health and social services systems, advocate for the client, be flexible, community-based, and client oriented to assist the client with needs that may generally be thought of as outside the realm of substance abuse treatment, yet necessary components of the client’s whole health and recovery plan.
Community Meeting:
Residents will learn to share and receive open, honest and direct communication. They will be able to address their personal needs without returning to their addiction. This group will allow for a safe practice of communication skills and opportunity for problem solving. Community meeting will take place daily with Residents and staff attending.
Psycho-education Group:
The psycho educational groups will be provided on topics relevant to addiction recovery. The blend of both learning and doing groups offers residents more awareness and learning integration in shorter amounts of time. These core psycho-educational groups will support residents to put what they are learning into immediate action and practice. Psycho-educational groups will be provided daily.
Process Group:
This is a 50-minute, gender specific process group in which clients will share their assignments and process individual issues in a group setting. This group will meet five times per week.
Recreational group:
Therapeutic recreation uses treatment, education and recreation services to help people with illnesses, disabilities and substance use disorders to develop and use their leisure in ways that enhance their health, functional abilities, independence, quality of life and sober living program. At RFTC we will utilize games, arts, crafts, breathing groups, relaxation groups, walking groups and scheduled community outings to assist residents with structuring leisure time in a healthy recovery oriented way.
Family Group:
Family members are strongly encouraged to attend family group, which will blend psycho educational information and interactive process exercises designed to address addiction, family roles and relapse prevention. In a multi-family group environment, clients loved ones and support systems will explore how addictions impact the whole family. An important component of treating the whole addiction is providing family education and support. Family group will be provided weekly.
Family/Support Visitation:
Family and support system visitation will be provided on a weekly basis and are intended to enhance and increase supportive services and long-term recovery of the entire family system.
Relapse Prevention:
Relapse, the process of returning to a former state of behavior, is often part of the process of addiction. Education will be provided on the nature of the relapse process. Residents will be offered skills and tools to help cope with relapse triggers more effectively. This educational group will be offered 5 days per week and talked about on a continual basis.
Discharge Planning:
Treatment is the beginning of the recovery journey. This group offers clients an opportunity to identify their needs, resources and commitment to the next phase of recovery. Discharge planning will begin with assessment and continue in both group and individual settings throughout the treatment process.
Twelve Step Support:
The twelve-step program is based on a set of guiding principles outlining a course of action for recovery from addictive processes. Clients will be educated on the importance of the twelve-step program. In-house twelve step meetings will be offered daily and clients will be taken to off campus meetings week.
Redwood Family Treatment Center is a 501(c)(3) Organization licensed and certified by the California
State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), License # 500001AN.